Vision and Mission

About Us        Vision and Mission



a virtuous well-educated citizen in the society that believes in Islamic ideologies and in national, Arabic, and human values, educated individuals with growth mindset who believe in their capabilities in order to be open to everyone in society and to both Arab and Western worlds, have morals and the will to challenge changes and adapt to rapid developments, and to be ready to assume responsibilities and the contribution to protect the country on which they share a living with others, this is what Al-Makassed Islamic High School sees in future graduated generations.



MIHS is a private educational institution that works to prepare an educated generation that reflects the bright and reputable image of Arab national education that adheres to the principles of sophisticated Islamic civilization. In addition, it empowers all learners to become skillful thinkers and creators by providing distinguished and reputable education by caring for students’ talents and putting them on the first long path as life-long learners. It also seeks to develop the learner’s personality in a comprehensive and balanced manner in all its dimensions, provide him/her with the patterns of cognitive and critical thinking, to develop his/her ability to analyze, to criticize, to express freely, and to cooperate with the community members in the inclusive environment. And also, we strive to provide our graduates with an academic foundation that will enable them to gain admission to the colleges or universities of their choice as well as to succeed in those institutions. It also works to nurture and raise the learner on good citizenship, to accept the other, to accept differences, to adopt the communication skills and the openness to other cultures.
